March 2025: Our recent London field trip was a resounding success. We visited renowned architectural firms—Foster + Partners, Zaha Hadid Architects, and Heatherwick Studio—where we engaged with leading architects. These discussions offered valuable insights into their current projects, as well as their future recruitment plans and requirements.

July 2024: our new video, summarising teaching activities and student experience at the MA in Advanced Architecture
June 2024: Amazing degree show of our MA Advanced Architecture Students, 2024. You may find more about the LSA Final Year Show here: 2024 End of Year Show – The Virtual Liverpool School of Architecture (

February 2023: AI/Grasshopper workshop, with Konstantinos Alexopoulos, Foster+Partners, 2023

December 2023: Digital innovation workshop with David Jourdan, (INRIA, Nancy), about 4D printing and shape memory.

May 2022: The MA design 2 final reviews including guest critics from renowned practices Heatheriwck Studio, Zaha Hadid Architects and UN Studio. You are welcome to join our lunchtime lecture as well!

April 2022: Exciting field trip to Amsterdam and Rotterdam including UN Studio visit and the MVRDV archive exhibition!

December 2021: Exciting London field trip with the new MA cohort!

July 2021: Design II final reviews with guest critics Kyriakos Chatziparaskeuas (Heatherwick Studio, London), Mavis Yip (MLKK.Studio, Hong Kong) and Yuyang Yang (UoL)!

May 2021: great Parametric Aggregation Workshop by Wang Yuyang in #MAinArchitecture for our urban housing project in MA_Design 2!

April 2021: FInal reviews with Carlos Bausa (Zaha Hadid Architects) and Silan Yip (SOM) for our Design 1 module!

February 2021: Exciting work in our Design 1 interim reviews with guest critics Yota Adylenidou (University of Westminster) and George Berdos (University of Edinburgh)!

December 2019 Final reviews with Kyriakos Chatziparskeuas from Heatherwick Studio!

October 2019 Exiting field trip to the Hilbre Islands! A warm welcome to the 1920 MA in Architecture cohort!

September 2019 There were some great projects in our final thesis reviews which included guest critics Carlos Bausa Martinez (Zaha Hadid Design) and Benjamin Spaeth ( Cardiff University)!

July The MA thesis interim review took place with succes! Many thanks to Marianna Cavada (University of Birmingham) who joined our panel!
- June our MA in Architecture weibo live streaming event is available now. Have a look to find out more about our Postgraduate Taught Master Programme here:
- April Design studio with guest reviewers Kyriakos Chatziparaskeuas
(Heatherwick Studio, London) and Vincete Spinola (MVCC Architects, Porto)

- March 2019 Design studio interim reviews with Carlos Bausa Martines (Foster+Partners) and Kyriakos Chatziparaskeuas (Heatherwick Studio)

- February 2019: We had our overseas field trip in Porto, Portugal, where we have visited the Casa da Musica by OMA.

- December 2018: Live streaming event in Weibo, for our MA in architecture programme. Have a look inside our daily business here!
- December 2018: Final Design studio reviews with Raghunath Vasudevan (Schneider+Schumacher Architects) and Theo Dunas (Robert Gordon University)

- December 2018: We are excited about having awarded many MA in Architecture degrees to the 2017-18 students! Best wishes to all of you xxx!

- November 2018: We were honoured to have Kyriakos Chatziparaskeuas from Heatherwick Studio in our review panel today. Our students had the chance to engage with a world leading practice, well-done everyone!

- November 2018: Great London field trip including visits in the Renzo Piano exhibition (Royal Academy of Arts), Zaha Hadid Gallery and Foster+Partners Architects!

- November 2018: Exciting work in our first interim review!
- October 2018: Great workshop today with Dr Dimitra Domvoglou (Textile Engineer, Survitec Group) and George Berdos (Architect, Researcher, University of Edinburgh)
- October 2018: Hilbre Island field trip
- September 2018: #MAinArchitecture kick off, 27 students from 8 different countries!

- September 2018: Our robotic arm UR10 has arrived!
- August 2018: Thesis final reviews with Benjamin Spaeth ( University of Cardiff) and Marianna Cavada (University of Birmingham).
- July 2018: Thesis interim reviews today, with guest critic Marianna Cavada, University of Birmingham
- July 2018: Team ‘Bloom’ wins Hawthorn Prize for the most impressive pavilion in Fabfest.London.18! Congratulations
- June 2018: MA students participate in UoL year show in London!
- June 2018: Exciting Barcelona field trip including visits in the IAAC final reviews, the EMBT Architects practice and the Barcelona Pavilion!
- May 2018: two design proposal qualified for this year’s ! The two pavilions will be constructed out of cardboard in the University of Westminster, in early July 2018!
- May 2018: MA students participate in VR workshop with Graz University of Technology!
- May 2018: MA students are exhibiting their kinetic prototypes in the Lakeside Arts Gallery, Nottingham, 12May-17.June.2018
- May 2018: Parametric Fabrication final reviews today, with Angelos Chronis, IAAC Barcelona!
- April 2018: Exciting Fieldtrip to Frankfurt, included visits to Schneider+Schumacher Architects, KSP Architects and the European Central Bank!
- 12.03.2017: Design 2, second interim review with Marianna Cavada (University of Birmingham) and Christina Nan (University of Edinburgh)!
- 07.03.2018: Kinetic prototypes produced in our ‘Parametric Fabrication’ Module! Great work guys!
07.02.2018: Arduino workshop with Hussein Hussein
- 30.01.2018: Continuing our efforts for constant improvement of student experience and employability, our MA in Architecture programme cohort visited the Zaha Hadid Architects and Foster + Partners headquarters in London. Our students had the chance to look behind the scenes of world-leading projects, such as the Apple Headquarters and the Qatar Football stadium!
- 11.12.2017: Final reviews with Henry David Luth (Zaha Hadid Architects) and Simos Vamvakidis (University of Plymouth)
- 6.12.2017: Great projects at our parametric design module final review with Goerge Berdos (University of Edinburgh). Soft moulds and 3D printing on textiles!
- 27.11.2017: A great model from our research on 3D printing on textiles, ARCH729 module
- 22.11.2017: Great Day in the MA interim review with guest Critiques Kyriakos Chatziparaskeuas (Heathewick Studio) and Simos Vamvakidis (University of Plymouth)
- 14.10.2017: Many thanks to Kyriakos Chatziparaskeuas and Yorgos Berdos for the advanced grasshopper workshop the delivered for our MA/MSc cohort in the University of Liverpool’s London campus!
- 02.10.2017: What an amazing field trip to the Hilbrie Islands with our new MA/ARCH cohort! well done guys!
- 07.09.2017: Our final thesis reviews have been completed successfully. Many thanks to our guests, Yota Adilenidou (University of Westminster) and Ben Spaeth (University of Cardiff) for their constructive feedback!
- 07.07.2017: this is our pavilion in Fabfest 2017!
- 18.05.2017: First FabFest workshop the University of Liverpool in London with the University of Westminster and Yota Adilenidou
- 8.05.2017: Amazing results at our final studio review, with guest critics Angelos Chronis (IAAC), Elif Erdine (AA) and Alexandros Kallegias (Zaha Hadid Architects)
- 25.04.2017: VR workshop in collaboration with TU Graz!
- 20.3.2017: Design Studio 2, 2nd interim review completed! many Thanks to Ben Spaeth, University of Cardiff and Goerge Berdos, the University of Edinburgh for joining us today!
- 16.3.2017: The Advanced Architectural Design Unit will participate in FAB BEST 2017, University of Westminster. Our team will develop a kinetic skin pavilion and build a prototype in 1/1 scale!
- 27.2.2017: Design 2 first interim review!
- 6.2.2017: fascinating Barcelona field trip: all about food culture!
- 14.12.2016: Final Virtual Reality presentations today!
- 12.12.2016: Final Design 1 reviews with Kyriakos Chatziparaskeuas (Heatherwick’s Studio)!